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USOP Hanoi Main Event champion to be crowned today! – Live Updates

After nine hours of play India’s Vishal Ojha emerged as the new U Series of Poker (USOP) Main Event champion! Ojha outlasted the record-breaking turnout of 1,336 entries to capture his maiden live title and a life-changing ₫4,952,000,000 (~$205,840) ICM payout deal.

Congratulations to the new champion!

Final Table – Payouts

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Vishal Ojha 4,952,000,000*
2 Mai Bien 4,298,000,000*
3 Yao Ren Hao 2,105,000,000
4 Lee Kun Han 1,520,000,000
5 Ewe Eng Soon 1,020,000,000
6 Tan Xiao Hui 735,000,000
7 Le Ngoc Minh 620,000,000
8 Hu Jin Long 532,000,000
9 Charles Wong 455,000,000

20:50: Mai Bien eliminated in 2nd place – ₫4,298,000,000 (~$178,650) 
Level 34: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Instant fireworks at heads up with Mai Bien pushing on the second hand. Mai raises 900,000, Vishal Ojha shoves, snap-call by Mai,

Mai Ac10c
Vishal Ojha QdQc

The board runs Kd8s9s10d7d.

20:40: Heads up!!
Level 34: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Vishal Ojha – 35,000,000 (87 bb)
Mai Bien – 19,000,000 (47 bb)

Players have agreed on an ICM deal then played for the trophy.

20:30: Yao Ren Hao eliminated in 3rd place – ₫2,105,000,000 (~$87,500) 
Level 34: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Yao Ren Hao pushes his last 9 bb with Ah4d, Mai Bien calls with KdQc, the board runs 9c3c9dKc2h. Yao finishes in 3rd place.

19:40: Lee Kun Han eliminated in 4th place – ₫1,520,000,000 (~$63,180) 
Level 34: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Under the gun Lee Kun Han raises 800,000, big blind Mai Bien calls, flop runs Js9h10s. Lee c-bets 800,000, Mai check-calls to see the turn 3d. Lee fires 1,300,000, Mai check-raises all in, Lee snap-calls and is behind Kd10h to Mai’s Qh8c. With the river 5d, Lee is eliminated.

Mai Bien – 14,000,000 (35 bb)
Lee Kun Han – eliminated in 4th place

18:55: Ewe Eng Soon eliminated in 5th place – ₫1,020,000,000 (~$42,400) 
Level 33: 100,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Ewe Eng Soon falls to Mai Bien with 10h9c failing to improve against Ks5c on a board KhAdAs4c6h.

Mai Bien – 10,000,000 (33 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – eliminated in 5th place

18:50: Ewe Eng Soon slowly draining
Level 33: 100,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Ewe Eng Soon loses more chips when his 5h4h bottom pair is behind Vishal Ojha’s 8s7d on a board 4dKh7sAd6s.

Vishal Ojha – 29,000,000 (96 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – 1,350,000 (4 bb)

18:30: Ewe Eng Soon tanks with top pair
Level 33: 100,000-300,000 ante 300,000

From the button, Ewe Eng Soon raises to 600,000, big blind Lee Kun Han calls to see the flop 10c6s3s. Soon c-bets 400,000, Lee check-raises to 1,000,000, Soon three-bets 2,400,000, Lee four-bet shoves, Soon tanks, pot is at 8,200,000. Soon reluctantly folds, Lee shows his 10h and rakes in the pot. Stream has Lee with 10h7d, Soon 10s9d.

Lee Kun Han – 8,200,000 (27 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – 22400,400,000 (8 bb)

18:10: Tan Xiao Hui eliminated in 6th place – ₫735,000,000 (~$30,550) 
Level 32: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Tan Xiao Hui is next to get it all in and get called She has As9d and is behind Lee Kun Han’s AcKd. With the board running 6d10s5sQd5d, Tan takes 6th place.

Lee Kun Han – 10,000,000 (40 bb)
Tan Xiao Hui – eliminated in 6th place

18:00: Le Ngoc Minh eliminated in 7th place – ₫620,000,000 (~$25,770)
Level 32: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Le Ngoc Minh Ad10s all in from under the gun, Mai Bien calls with AhQh, the board runs 8d3sKsAc9s. Mai’s kicker plays, Le busts.

Mai Bien – 8,600,000 (34 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – eliminated in 7th place

17:20: Kings bring Vishal Ojha the chip lead
Level 32: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

From under the gun, Mai Bien raises to 500,000, Vishal Ojha calls from cutoff, flop runs 3d7s10s. Mai checks, Ojha bets 400,000, Mai calls. On the turn 8s both check. The river Qc Ojha bets 1,500,000, Mai check-calls.

Mai Bien Kh10c
Vishal Ojha KsKc

Vishal Ojha – 14,000,000 (56 bb)
Mai Bien – 11,000,000 (44 bb)

17:00: Yao Ren Hao wins the preflop betting war 
Level 32: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Under the gun Yao Ren Hao raises to 500,000, cutoff Mai Bien three-bets to 1,300,000, big blind Vishal Ojha folds 10s10h, Yao shoves 4,600,000. Mai folds his Ac3c. Stream has Yao with QsQd.

Yao Ren Hao – 6,500,000 (26 bb)
Mai Bien – 15,000,000 (60 bb)

16:30: Lee Kun Han lands his big draw
Level 31: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

From hijack, Ewe Eng Soon raises to 400,000, small blind Lee Kun Han calls, flop comes Ac6c3s. Soon c-bets 300,000, Lee check-raises to 625,000, Soon calls, turn lands 9s. Lee leads out with a shove of 2,900,000, Soon tank-calls, Lee has 8c7c draw, Soon Ah5d top pair. The river 4c saves Lee for a double up.

Lee Kun Han – 8,300,000 (41 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – 5,900,000 (29 bb)

16:00: Check-raise from Mai Bien is good for the pot
Level 30: 100,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Hijack Yao Ren Hao raises 300,000, small blind Mai Bien and big blind Lee Kun Han call. All three check the flop 2sJs5c, the turn Qc, Lee bets 350,000, Yao calls, Mai check-raises to 1,700,000, Lee and Yao fold.

Mai Bien – 9,500,000 (63 bb)
Yao Ren Hao – 13,000,000 (86 bb)
Lee Kun Han – 4,400,000 (29 bb)

15:40: Tan Xiao Hui loses another big pot
Level 30: 100,000-150,000 ante 150,000

From under the gun, Tan Xiao Hui raise to 350,000, small blind Yao Ren Hao calls, flop runs 8sJs2c. Tan c-bets 700,000, Yao check-calls. Both players check the turn 4c, the river lands Ad. Yao leads out 1,400,000, Tan tank-calls. Yao wins it with AsJh two pair. Tan shows her AhKs.

Yao Ren Hao – 14,000,000 (92 bb)
Tan Xiao Hui – 3,600,000 (23 bb)

15:05: Ewe Eng Soon doubles through Tan Xiao Hui again
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

From under the gun, Tan Xiao Hui raises to 250,000, Ewe Eng Soon defends the big blind. At the flop 8d9sAh, Tan c-bets 175,000, Soon check-calls. On the turn 5h, Tan with another 200,000 bet, Soon check-raises to 800,000, Tan answers with a three-bet shove, Soon calls.

Tan Xiao Hui Jh10h flush draw
Ewe Eng Soon 9h8s two pair

The river is 2s for a second double up to Soon off Tan.

Ewe Eng Soon – 5,000,000 (41 bb)
Tan Xiao Hui – 4,500,000 (37 bb)

15:00: Lee Kun Han chips up through the leader 
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

From under the gun, Vishal Ojha Ac7h raises to 250,000, small blind Lee Kun Han Kd10d calls, flop runs 10h4h7d. Lee checks, Ojha c-bets 200,000, Lee calls. Both players check the turn Qd. On the river Ad, Lee checks, Ojha bets 600,000, Lee raises to 1,500,000, Ojha folds.

Lee Kun Han – 6,700,000 (55 bb)
Vishal Ojha – 13,000,000 (108 bb)

14:38: Hu Jin Long eliminated in 8th place – ₫532,000,000 (~$22,100)
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

After losing almost all of his stack on a failed bluff, Hu Jin Long goes all in with KcJs, big blind Vishal Ojha has Qh7d, the board runs Qc2h7s5d7c.

Vishal Ojha – 14,000,000 (115 bb)
Hu Jin Long – eliminated in 8th place

14:30: Vishal Ojha sniffs out Hu Jin Long’s bluff
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Under the gun Vishal Ojha raises to 250,000, lojack Hu Jin Long three-bets to 660,000, Ojha calls, flop comes 3c5d2d. Ojha checks to the aggressor Hu who c-bets 500,000, Ojha flats. On the turn 7s, same action with Hu firing 1,500,000, again Ojha flats. On the river As, check by Ojha, Hu bets 2,900,000 leaving himself 100,000 behind. Ojha tanks using up two time-banks then calls. Hu shows the KsQs failed bluff, Ojha ships it with 9h9c and takes the lead for the first time.

Vishal Ojha – 14,000,000 (113 bb)
Hu Jin Long – 100,000 (<1 bb)

14:20: Charles Wong eliminated in 9th place – ₫455,000,000 (~$18,900)
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

The lone player from Hong Kong, Charles Wong is all in holding 7c7s then falls to Tan Xiao Hui’s JcJd with no help from the board 10d9dJh3d6c.

Tan Xiao Hui – 8,000,000 (66 bb)
Charles Wong – eliminated in 9th place

14:10: Final table underway, Ewe Eng Soon doubles up 
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Just two minutes in and Ewe Eng Soon is all in with AhQs, Tan Xiao Hui hopes to eliminate with 3h3s. With the board running AdKsKcJs6c, Soon spikes the ace for a double up.

Ewe Eng Soon – 4,100,000 (34 bb)
Tan Xiao Hui – 8,000,000 (66 bb)

13:50: Final 9 players formed
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Seat 1: Ewe Eng Soon – Malaysia 1,925,000 (16 bb)
Seat 2: Hu Jin Long – China – 5,960,000 (49 bb)
Seat 3: Tan Xiao Hui – China – 10,010,000 (83 bb)
Seat 4: Mai Bien – Vietnam – 9,130,000 (76 bb)
Seat 5: Charles Wong – Hong Kong – 1,325,000 (11 bb)
Seat 6: Lee Kun Han – Taiwan – 5,975,000 (49 bb)
Seat 7: Le Ngoc Minh – Vietnam – 4,025,000 (33 bb)
Seat 8: Vishal Ojha – India – 6,200,000 (51 bb)
Seat 9: Yao Ren Hao – 8,720,000 (72 bb)

Watch the livestream via these channels:

USOP YouTube [English commentary]:
Crown Poker Club [Vietnamese commentary]:

13:48: Sun Li Wei eliminated in 10th place – ₫379,200,000 (~$17=5,760)
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Sun Li Wei

Button Tan Xiao Hui min-raises, big blind Sun Li Wei defends, flop comes QsKs3d, Sun check, Tan bet 700,000, Sun call. Sun check 7d turn, Tan shoves, Sun tanks (has 1,960,000 behind) then calls for his tournament life just before his last time bank runs out.

Sun Li Wei KcJc top pair
Tan Xiao Hui AhAd

The river 5s is no help to Sun to fall in 10th place.

Tan Xiao Hui – 10,010,000 (83 bb)
Sun Li Wei – eliminated in 10th place

13:45: Seung Mook Jung eliminated in 11th place – ₫310,000,000 (~$12,885)
Level 29: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Seung Mook Jung

After losing 80% of his stack to Mai Bien, Seung Mook Jung raises from cutoff to 500,000, big blind Le Ngoc shoves, Jung calls for his tournament life.

Seung Mook Jung 7c7h
Le Ngoc Minh Ad9h

The board runs 10s4s3d3s9d, Le spikes the higher pair on the river to eliminated Jung in 11th place.

Le Ngoc Minh – 4,025,000 (33 bb)
Seung Mook Jung – eliminated in 11th place

13:25: Break time update, 11 players remaining
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Table 27
Vishal Ojha – 6,150,000 (61 bb)
Hu Jin Long – 6,700,000 (67 bb)
Tan Xiao Hui – 6,600,000 (66 bb)
Yao Ren Hao – 8,720,000 (87 bb)
Sun Li Wei – 2,425,000 (24 bb)

Table 28
Seung Mook Jung – 940,000 (9 bb)
Bien Mai – 10,000,000 (100 bb)
Lee Kun Han – 5,250,000 (52 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 3,200,000 (32 bb)
Charles Wong – 1,300,00 (13 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – 1,760,000 (17 bb)

Remaining payouts

Place Payout in VND
1 5,750,000,000
2 3,500,000,000
3 2,105,000,000
4 1,520,000,000
5 1,020,000,000
6 735,000,000
7 620,000,000
8 532,000,000
9 455,000,000
10 379,200,000
11 310,000,000

13:15: Mai Bien doubles up to chip leader, Seung Mook Jung plunges
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

From under the gun, Mai Bien raises to 200,000, Seung Mook Jung defends, flop comes 9d2dJc. Mai c-bets 150,000, Jung check-raises to 525,000, Mai calls. The turn 3c, Jung leads out 1,200,000, Mai flats. On the river Js, Jung checks, Mai shoves, Jung tank-calls.

Mai Bien AdJd trips
Seung Mook Jung 9s2s two pair

Mai Bien – 10,000,000 (100 bb)
Seung Mook Jung – 940,000 (9 bb)

13:14: Le Ngoc Minh tanks to Seung Mook Jung
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Cutoff Seung Mook Jung raises to 210,000, big blind Le Ngoc Minh calls, flop comes Qh4h7s. Jung c-bets, Le check-calls. On the turn 6h, Le check-calls Jung’s 500,000 c-bet to head to the river Jh. Le checks, Jung bets 1,750,000, Le tanks using up his last 4 time-banks then mucks.

Seung Mook Jung – 5,630,000 (56 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 3,100,000 (31 bb)

13:12: Ngo Minh Tien eliminated in 12th place – ₫310,000,000 (~$12,885)
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Ngo Minh Tien

From the button, a desperate Ngo Minh Tien shoves his last 520,000 stack holding Kc9h, big blind Hu Jin Long calls with 7s5d. The board runs 2h7dAdAcQd to end Minh Tien’s run in 12th place.

Hu Jin Long – 7,600,000 (76 bb)
Ngo Minh Tien – eliminated in 12th place

13:05: Yeh Hung Wei eliminated in 13th place – ₫251,000,000 (~$10,430)
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Yeh Hung Wei

Hu Jin Long raises 210,000 from hijack, button Yeh Hung Wei shoves 1,810,000 holding AdKd, Hu calls with 8s8d. With the board running 6dQcJh2hQh, Yeh misses to fall in 13th place.

Hu Jin Long – 7,000,000 (70 bb)
Yeh Hung Wei – eliminated in 13th place

12:57: Phan Huu Minh Tri eliminated in 14th place – ₫251,000,000 (~$10,430)
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Phan Huu MInh Tri

Under the gun Ewe Eng Soon shoes 1,225,000, button Phan Huu Minh Tri risks his last 640,000 with AsKc, it is a flip with Soon 3c3s. The board further improves them both as it runs 3hJd10dKd9c. Soon’s set is best to rail Phan in 14th place.

Ewe Eng Soon – 2,000,000 (20 bb)
Phan Huu Minh Tri – eliminated in 14th place

12:55: Tan Xiao Hui shows the Ace
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

From the button, Vishal Ojha raises to 200,000, big blind Tan Xiao Hui defends, flop comes 8cJs7h, both check. On the turn As, Ojha bets 250,000, Tan check-calls. On the river 2d, Ojha bets 500,000, Tan check-raises to 1,100,000, Ojha folds. Tan shows Ah.

12:52: Vishal Ojha doubles up, Ngo Minh Tien plunges
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Vishal Ojha 10c10h doubles up through Ngo Minh Tien KdJs on a wild board that completes 4dQd10d2c2h.

Vishal Ojha – 6,230,000 (62 bb)
Ngo Minh Tien – 750,000 (7 bb)

12:50: Phan Huu Minh Tri survives
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

From hijack Seung Mook Jung raises 210,000 with QhJc, small blind Phan Huu Minh goes all in for slightly more (245,000) holding KhJd. With the board running 2s8sKs7c10h, it’s a double up for Phan.

Phan Huu Minh Tri – 690,000 (7 bb)
Seung Mook Jung – 4,700,000 (47 bb)

12:49: Mai Bien with the lucky straight, Phan Huu Minh Tri chunked
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

From cutoff Seung Mook Jung raises to 210,000, button Mai Bien shoves holding KhQc, Phan Huu Minh Tri calls with AsKs. When the board runs 10hAhJd, it’s an instant straight for Mai. The turn 6c and river 8c keep Mai ahead for a double up.

Mai Bien – 3,850,000 (38 bb)
Phan Huu Minh Tri – 245,000 (2 bb)

12:40: Seung Mook Jung picks up a good pot
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

From cutoff, Seung Mook Jung raises to 200,000, small blind Lee Kun Han three-bets to 550,000, Jung flats. The flop comes 8c10c3d, Lee c-bets 100,000, Jung calls. On the turn 9d, Lee fires 375,000, Jung calls again. Both check the river 4c. Lee has AdJd, Jung wins it with Kh9h pair.

Seung Mook Jung – 5,400,000 (54 bb)
Lee Kun Han – 4,200,000 (42 bb)

12:30: Sun Li Wei doubles up
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Small blind Yao Ren Hao shoves with AdQs, from the big blind, short stacked Sun Li Wei looks down at 4h4s and goes for it. The board runs 2s7c3sKdKs for a double up.

Sun Li Wei – 1,830,000 (18 bb)
Yao Ren Hao – 4,500,000 (45 bb)

12:23: No chop, no chop!
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Under the gun Charles Wong raises to 675,000, big blind Le Ngoc Minh shoves his big stack, Wong tosses in the 45,000 he has behind and opens AdKc. Le has Ah2d. When the board runs AsJs5c, Wong chants “no chop no chop!” With the turn and river 6d9d, he gets his wish for a double up.

Charles Wong – 1,590,000 (16 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 4,000,000 (40 bb)

12:20: Blinds up, 14 players remaining
Level 28: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Blinds are up, 14 players remaining. Minimum payout is VN₫ 251,000,000 (~$8,020).

12:10: Position bets by Vishal Ojha
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

From cutoff, Ngo Minh Tien raises to 160,000, button Vishal Ojha calls, flop comes Qh5dQs. Minh Tien checks, Ojha bets 130,000, Minh Tien calls. On the turn 7c, Ojha fires 250,000, Minh Tien check-folds.

Vishal Ojha – 2,750,000 (34 bb)
Ngo Minh Tien – 7,000,000 (87 bb)

12:00: Yeh Hung Wei shoves twice
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Yeh Hung Wei with back to back shoves but no takers to steal the blinds and antes. He chips up to 1,490,000 (18 bb).

11:55: Seung Mook Jung wins a good pot on battle of the blinds
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Action folds to small blind Seung Mook Jung who limps, big blind Mai Bien checks, flop comes 4s6hKd. Jung bets 80,000, Mai calls. Same action on the 8d turn with Mai calling the 270,000 bet. On the 9s river, Jung triple barrels 750,000, Mai calls, Jung shows his 8h6c two pair, Mai mucks.

Seung Mook Jung – 3,760,000 (47 bb)
Mai Bien – 1,580,000 (19 bb)

11:48: Lee Kun Han four-bet shoves for the pot
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

From cutoff, Lee Kun Han raises to 230,000, button Phan Huu Minh Tri three-bets to 580,000, Lee shoves, Phan folds.

Lee Kun Han – 4,020,000 (50 bb)
Phan Huu Minh Tri – 3,000,000 (37 bb)

11:35: Nguyen Ngoc Tung eliminated in 15th place – VN₫ 251,000,000 (~$8,020)
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Short stacked Nguyen Ngoc Tung shoves 580,000 from the small blind holding 5s6d, he falls to big blind Seung Mook Jung QsJh on a board As3hJsKh9h.

Seung Mook Jung – 3,435,000 (43 bb)
Nguyen Ngoc Tung – eliminated in 15th place

11:30: Ewe Eng Soon drives it, Mai Bien takes it
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

From hijack Ewe Eng Soon raises to 160,000, cutoff Seung Mook Jung and big blind Mai Bien call, the flop runs 10h4h5s. After the blinds check, Soon c-bets 175,000, Jung folds, Mai calls. The turn Jd sees Soon pump up the pot another 300,000, Mai check-calls. On the river Qs, Mai switches up and leads out for 650,000, Soon tank-folds.

Mai Bien – 3,580,000 (44 bb)
Ewe Eng Soon – 3,000,000 (37 bb)

11:22: Le Huy Thanh eliminated in 16th place – VN₫ 193,000,000 (~$10,430)
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Le Huy Thanh

Action folds to the small blind Le Huy Thanh who shoves 1,215,000 but is denied the blinds and ante by big blind Tan Xiao Hui who calls. Le opens As7d, Tan dominates with Ah10h, board runs 8sKd6s9hKh. Le falls in 16th place.

Tan Xiao Hui – 5,300,000 (66 bb)
Le Huy Thanh – eliminated in 16th place

11:20: Blinds up, 16 players remaining
Level 27: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Blinds are up, 16 players remaining. Minimum payout is VN₫ 193,000,000 (~$10,430).

11:10: Terry Nguyen eliminated in 17th place – VN₫ 193,000,000 (~$8,020)
Level 26: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Terry Nguyen

Under the gun Terry Nguyen enters the day with a short 6 bb and gets it all in holding AcQc, big blind Hu Jin Long calls with 5h7h. The board runs 9dKd8d3d6d for a straight to Hu and 18th place for Nguyen.

Hu Jin Long – 1,700,000 (28 bb)
Terry Nguyen – eliminated in 17th place

11:08: Hoang Le Anh Tuan eliminated in 18th place – VN₫ 193,000,000 (~$8,020)
Level 26: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Hoang Le Anh Tuan

Bringing in just 5 bb to the final day, Hoang Le Anh Tuan shoves with Ad7c but can’t get past Ngo Minh Tien’s 8c8s to become the first casualty of the final day.

11:07: Le Ngoc Minh wins first showdown of the final day
Level 26: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

From mid position, Le Ngoc Minh raises to 125,000, big blind Mai Bien defends, flop comes Jc3c9s. Mai shoves, Le calls for his tournament life and is ahead AcKc against Mai’s 10c2c. With the turn 5h and river 4d, Le doubles through.

Le Ngoc Minh – 5,120,000 (85 bb)
Mai Bien – 2,000,000 (33 bb)

11:00: Cards in the air!
Level 26: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Shuffle up and deal! First deal of the final day is underway with 17 players in their seats. Looks like Le Ngoc Minh is absent at the moment. Hunt for the record breaking Vietnam Main Event title is underway!

After ten days of incredible poker action, U Series of Poker (USOP) has reached its final day at the Crown Poker Club in Hanoi, Vietnam. As always, the day’s lineup is loaded with choices for every type of player from high roller to recreational. For spectators, the game to watch will be the record breaking Main Event which is down to 18 players Once the final 9 is reached, it will be livestreamed on these channels below:

USOP YouTube [English commentary]
Crown Poker Club [Vietnamese commentary]

The remaining contenders are all guaranteed VND 193,000,000 (~USD 8,020) but what will be gunning for is the life changing VND 5,750,000,000 (~USD 210,950) top prize. The hunt for the champion begins at 11am! Track the action right here.

Day 3 starting blinds: 30,000-60,000 ante 6,000 (7:05 remaining in Level 26)
Level duration: 60 minutes
Chips in play: 53,440,000
Average stack: 320,000

Final 18 players

1 Yao Ren Hao 8,530,000
2 Minh Tien 7,875,000
3 Mai Bien 4,625,000
4 Lee Kun Han 4,060,000
5 Ewe Eng Soon 3,770,000
6 Tan Xiao Hui 3,550,000
7 Vishal Ojha 3,110,000
8 Le Ngoc Minh 2,775,000
9 Phan Huu Minh Tri 2,635,000
10 Sunl Li Wei 2,405,000
11 Yeh Hung Wei 2,110,000
12 Seungmook Jang 2,100,000
13 Le Huy Thanh 1,460,000
14 Hu Jin Long 1,385,000
15 Charles Wong 920,000
16 Nguyen Ngoc Tung 895,000
17 Hoang Le Anh Tuan 380,000
18 Terry Nguyen 320,000

Main Event review

Date: September 7 to 11, 2023
Buy in: 25,000,000 (~USD 1,057)
Guarantee: VN₫ 12,000,000,000 (~USD 500,000)
Day 1A: 268 entries (175 unique) / 34 ITM
Day 1B: 357 entries {214 unique) / 45 ITM
Day 1C:  433 entries (285 unique) / 54 ITM
Day 1D (Turbo): 278 entries (153 unique) / 35 ITM
Day 2: 18 players remaining
Total entries: 1,336
Prize pool: VN₫ 29,158,200,000 (~USD 1,212,000)
ITM: 168 players

Head to USOP Hanoi – Festival Results for Main Event results

Final 18 payouts remaining

Place Payout in VND
1 5,750,000,000
2 3,500,000,000
3 2,105,000,000
4 1,520,000,000
5 1,020,000,000
6 735,000,000
7 620,000,000
8 532,000,000
9 455,000,000
10 379,200,000
11-12 310,000,000
13-15 251,000,000
16-18 193,000,000

USOP Hanoi – Coverage
USOP Hanoi – Full Schedule
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function tribe_is_event_query() in /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-content/themes/thevoux-wp-child/functions.php:588 Stack trace: #0 /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-content/themes/thevoux-wp/inc/loop/single-style1.php(98): bottom_banner_rotator() #1 /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-content/themes/thevoux-wp-child/single.php(11): include('/home/somuchpo/...') #2 /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/home/somuchpo/...') #3 /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/somuchpo/...') #4 /home/somuchpo/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/somuchpo/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/somuchpo/public_html/wp-content/themes/thevoux-wp-child/functions.php on line 588