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USOP Hanoi Main Event draws 268 entries; Dang Minh Dat tops 34 survivors – Live Updates

[Vietnamese translation]

Dang Minh Dat

Day 1A of the USOP Hanoi Main Event ran for 12.5 hours with 268 entries filling up the Crown Poker Club. The heat closed at 34 players, each one guaranteed a spot in the money round.

Bagging the largest was Vietnam’s Dang Minh Dat with 912,000 (114 bb). Dang’s biggest pot came just before the bubble round when a player three-bet shoved 40 bb into Dang’s raise. Holding pocket Aces, Dang instantly called.

Also making the cut were High Roller Megastack champion Dao Minh Phu, multi side event winner Khoi Nguyen, and WSOP bracelet winner Renji Mao. Check out the list provided and the live updates for the action.

Date: September 7, 2023
Buy in: 25,000,000 (~USD 1,057)
Guarantee: VN₫ 12,000,000,000 (~USD 500,000)
Day 1A: 268 entries (175 unique) / 34 ITM

Player Flag Stack
1 ĐặNg Minh ĐạT Viet Nam 912,000
2 Tanawat Barapapanuwong Thailand 808,000
3 Ankit Jajodia India 800,000
4 Lee Ju Yeol Korea 690,000
5 Yong Shang Bing Malaysia 660,000
6 Vũ Thái BảO Viet Nam 594,000
7 Kristian Wiermymr Norway 558,000
8 Dao Minh Phu Viet Nam 480,000
9 Rajeev Kanjani India 467,000
10 Alvin Jeff Sembrano Philippines 432,000
11 Charlie Hausen Viet Nam 385,000
12 Ernst Teo Singapore 379,000
13 NguyễN MạNh TuấN Viet Nam 356,000
14 Mai Sheng Qiu China 351,000
15 Somashekar Kurkhepalli India 329,000
16 Yuhang Chen China 282,000
17 Leroy Fan Ireland 262,000
18 Đỗ Thanh TuấN Viet Nam 237,000
19 Alan Khoo Singapore 192,000
20 Paul Yugendra Malaysia 161,000
21 Tan Ong Kwan Malaysia 150,000
22 Lim Zong Xian Philbert Singapore 145,000
23 Tong Jia Chuan Singapore 129,000
24 Laury Vanlerberghe France 126,000
25 NguyễN Văn Trung Viet Nam 123,000
26 NguyễN Quang Hoàng Viet Nam 116,000
27 Sebastian Tan Singapore 102,000
28 Charles Wong Hong Kong 100,000
29 Mark Dela Cruz Philippines 79,000
30 Renji Mao China 76,000
31 Lukasz Jankowski Poland 72,000
32 Huang Chang Wei Taiwan 61,000
33 Bernard Koh Singapore 59,000
34 DầN NguyễN Viet Nam 31,000

Chips in play: 10,720,000

23:30: Hoang The Thanh bubbles 
Level 17: 4.000-8.000 và ante 8.000

After getting chunked down by Nguyen Manh Tuan, Hoang The Thanh is all in with KcQd, Paul Yugendra and Mai Sheng Qiu call then check down the board 5hAh7c8d6c. Yugendra has 10h10s, Qiu AcAd set for the win. Hoang bubbles to end Day 1A.

Mai Shang Qiu – 351,000
Paul Yugendra – 161,000
Hoang The Thanh – eliminated

23:16: Kings give Young Shang Bing the max
Level 17: 4.000-8.000 và ante 8.000

Young Shang Bing

Young Shang Bing doubles up through KM Somashekar with KcKs staying ahead of 10h10d on a board Qc7s2sJd8d.

23:15: Nguyen Manh Tuan survives
Level 17: 4.000-8.000 và ante 8.000

Button Hoang The Thanh raises to 22,000, big blind Nguyen Manh Tuan three-bets all in for 174,000, Hoang calls and opens QsQh. Nguyen is drawing with AsJs. With the board running AdAhJd5s10c, Nguyen connects for a boat to survive the bubble round.

Nguyen Manh Tuan – 350,000
Hoang The Thanh – 26,000

23:06: Bubble round: Charles Wong doubles up
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

From under the gun, Charles Wong min-raises, big blind Sebastian Tan defends, the flop comes AsQsJc. Wong quickly shoves his last 11,000, Tan makes the easy call and opens Ad4h top pair, Wong is way ahead with AcQh top two pair. The turn Jh and river Kd is a double up for Wong.

Charles Wong – 66,000
Sebastian Tan – 90,000

23:05: Bubble round! Alvyn Jeff Sembrano doubles up
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

From under the gun +2, massive stacked Vu Thai Bao raises to 16,000, hijack Alvyn Jeff Sembrano three-bets a huge 71,000, it doesn’t shake off Vu who calls. On the flop 10c3s4s, Vu shoves, Sembrano snap-calls and shows AdAc. Vu is behind with 5c6c but has an open-ended. On the turn 5s Vu adds in pair but still behind. The river 10d secures the win for Sembrano.

Alvyn Jeff Sembrano – 350,000
Vu Thai Bao – 640,000

22:50: Juyeol Lee hard-bets Sembrano the whole way
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Lee Juyeol

Juyeol Lee raises to 16,000, small blind Alvyn Jeff Sembrano and big blind call. At the flop KdQc5c, Lee bets 30,000 Sembrano check-calls, big blind folds. On the turn 6c, Lee fires 40,000, Sembrano calls. The river 4d, same action with Lee charging with 155,000, Sembrano calls then mucks to Lee’s 8c9c flush.

Juyeol Lee – 570,000
Alvyn Jeff Sembrano – 140,000

22:45: Dang Minh Dat gains a huge 40 bb with Aces
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Dang Minh Dat

Dang Minh Dat looks down at AcAd and raises to 16,000, to his thrill, cutoff shoves 300,000, which Dang covers, he makes the fast call. Cutoff has AsQd, the board runs 9s7sKs4hAh, Dang ships it and boots one in the process.

Dang Minh Dat = 900,000

22:40: Blinds up, 37 players remaining
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

The players are back from a break. Bubble round is nearing with 37 players remaining. Day 1A bags up at 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players. Tanawat Burapapanuwong leads with 840,000.

22:27: Mai Sheng Qiu doubles up
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

With three to the money, button player all in holding AsQd, big blind Mai Sheng Qiu goes for it with AhKs, they both miss the board 7hJc8c3s10c for a double up to Qiu.

Mai Sheng Qiu- 260,000
Button – 11,000

22:25: Ankit Jajodia calls down Dao Minh Phu
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

Under the gun min-raises, utg+2 Ankit Jajodia calls, cutoff Dao Minh Phu three-bets to 37,000, utg folds, Jajodia calls. At the flop, turn, and river JsJc9s7d8c, Jajodia check-calls throughout – 23,000, 31,000, 106,000, Phu has 10c10d, Jajodia wins it with 8d8s full house.

Ankit Jajodia – 740,000
Dao Minh Phu – 460,000

22:00: Ngo Minh Tien calls and falls
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

Leroy Fan

Battle of the blinds, Leroy Fan shoves with Kc5h, Ngo Minh Tien risks it with Qs9d, the board runs KdAc9h2s8d, Ngo is eliminated.

Leroy Fan – 360,000
Ngo Minh Tien – eliminated

21:55: Vu Thai Bao wins the flip 
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

All in preflop, Vu Thai Bao AdQh is flipping with Pham Duy Anh 4c4s. At the runout 9hQc3d8sKc, Vu spikes the queen to eliminate Pham.

Vu Thai Bao – 800,000
Pham Duy Anh – eliminated

21:55: Straight to survival for Pham Duy Anh 
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

From the button, Pham Duy Anh shoves his last 9 bb, big blind Philbert Lim defends, Pham has Ad3d, Lim with As5c. The board runs 9s2s5sKd4d, Pham lands the straight.

Pham Duy Anh = 117,000
Philbert Lim – 175,000

21:50: Blinds up, 39 players remaining
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

The field is down to 39 players. Day 1A bags up at 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players. That means it is very close to the bubble round. Tanawat Burapapanuwong leads with 840,000.

21:40: Flush for Paul Yugendra 
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

Cutoff Dung Trinh raises to 12,000, small blind Paul Yugendra three-bets all in for 140,000, Dung calls and shows 10c10h, Yugendra with As7s. When the board runs out Qs9s6sKd9c, Yugendra improves to a flush to double up.

Paul Yugendra – 290,000
Dung Trinh – 46,000

21:34: Tanawat Burapapanuwong outkicks to claim a big pot
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

From under the gun+2, Tanawat Burapapanuwong opens, lojack Ernst Teo three-bets, Tanawat calls, flop is 5hJsQs. Tanawat checks to Teo who c-bets 25,000, Tanawat flats. Same action on the turn 9c and river Jd with 55,000 and the shove called. Teo shows KdQd two pair, Tanawat AsQh same two pair higher kicker. Tanawat drags in the pot and takes the lead.

Tanawat Burapapanuwong – 840,000
Ernst Teo – 440,000

21:20: Kristian Wiermymr sends two out in one go
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

Kristian Wiernymr

All in preflop, hijack AdQs, button 7d7h, big blind Kristian Wiermymr JsJd has them both covered in chips. With the board runnning Ac8c4hJc8h, Wiermymr sweeps with a full house.

Kristian Wiermymr – 520,000

21:15: Nguyen Van Trung doubles up through Juyeol Lee
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

Under the gun Juyeol Lee min-raises, big blind Nguyen Van Trung three-bets to 42,000, Lee flats to see the cards run Ac3d10d. Nguyen c-bet 26,000, Lee flats again. On the turn Jh, Nguyen fires again, this time 8,000, Lee answers with a shove, Nguyen calls.

Nguyen Van Trung KdKc
Juyeol Lee 6c6h

The river 7d is no help to Lee for Nguyen to score a double up.

Nguyen Van Trung – 315,000
Juyeol Lee – 280,000

21:10: Blinds up, 50 players remaining
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

The field is down to 50 players. Day 1A bags up at 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players. Ernst Teo continues to lead with 850,000.

20:40: KM Somashekar claims the pot
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

From lojack, KM Somashekar raises to 10,000, hijack calls, cutoff Vinay B. three-bets to 40,000, Somashekar calls, hijack folds. At the flop JdJhQd, Vinal bets 18,000, Somashekar check-calls. Both players check the turn Qh. On the river 7s, Somashekar leads out 70,000, Vinay calls, Somashekar turns over KdQs two pair, Vinay mucks.

KM Somashekar – 600,000
Vinay B – 83,000

20:30: Blinds up, 58 players remaining
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

Players are dropping fast. The field is down to 58 players. Day 1A bags up at 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players. Ernst Teo continues to lead with 800,000.

20:10: Ankit Jajodia denies Ta Son Tung
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

All in preflop, Ta Son Tung Ks[10c}, Ankit Jajodia AcAd. The board runs out JdAs7hQdQs, both improve. Jajodia’s boat dominates Ta’s straight.

Ankit Jajodia – 308,000
Ta Son Tung – eliminated

20:00: Sebastian Tan hard-bets small pair preflop
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Hand opens with Ankit Jajodia raising from utg to 6,000, utg+1 Thanh Tung Nguyen three-bets 20,000, button Sebastian Tan four-bets all in, Jajodia gets out of the way, Nguyen calls.

Thanh Tung Nguyen – AhQs
Sebastian Tan – 5d5h

At the runout 3s2cJd4sAs, it’s a straight for Tan to scoop up the double up and more.

Sebastian Tan – 90,000
Thanh Tung Nguyen – 27,000

19:55: Juyeol Lee dominates to end one
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Lee Juyeol

Juyeol Lee with AcQc dominates a player’s Ad9d. The board runs 5s7d3c4s8d to rake it in and bust one.

Juyeol Lee – 400,000

19:50: Bernard Koh Wei Yao doubles through
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

From utg+2, Bernard Koh Wei Yao shoves 47,5000 holding AdQc, small blind Nguyen Van Trung calls with AhJh, the board runs out Qs9hKd4dAc. Koh doubles up.

Bernard Koh Wei Yao – 101,000
Nguyen Van Trung – 170,000

19:40: Alok Birewar spikes it on the turn 
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

With 31,000 in the pot, two players are all in on a flop 5h5dAh. Alok Birewar has AdJh, player has him covered and dominated with 5s4s trips, the turn As switches them up with Birewar improving to a full house, and with the river Jc, Birewar doubles up.

Alok Birewar – 151,000

19:35: Blinds up, 69 players remaining
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Players are dropping fast. The field is down to 69 players. Day 1A bags up at 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players.

19:30: Dang Minh Dat turns the two pair
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Dang Minh Dat

Cutoff opens, small blind Dang Minh Dat three-bets to 20,000, cutoff calls, flop is As8h6h. Small blind Dang Minh Dat c-bets 30,000, cutoff raises to 60,000, Dang shoves and is called.

Dang has Ac5h and is behind cutoff’s AdQh, the turn 5c reverses the ranks, and with the river Jc, Dang ships it.

Dang Minh Dat – 450,000

19:20: GACKT runs into Aces
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Famous Japanese singer GACKT finds himself at the rail having pushed with AhJc only to run into Lim Zong Xian’s AsAd and a board of Ac10c2hJh8s.

Lim Zong Xian – 300,000

19:15: Tien Sang lands a straight to eliminate a player
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Under the gun Tien Sang raises to 6,000, lojack calls, hijack three-bet jams for 10,000, back to Tien Sang who four-bet jams as well, lojack folds.

Tien Sang Jc10s
Hijack Ah6d

With the board running 7cAs8d6s9c, Tien Sang lands the straight to dust two pair.

Tien Sang – 60,000

19:10: Battle of the big stacks, Ernst Teo skyrockets
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Ernst Teo

Lojack Ernst Teo raises to 6,000, cutoff calls, small blind Ewe Eng Soon three-bets to 25,000, Teo four-bet shoves, cutoff folds, Ewe calls for his tournament life.

Ernst Teo AdKs
Ewe Eng Soon JdJs

It’s a flip! The board runs out QsKc7h2s10s, Teo ships a massive pot as Ewe exits.

Ernst Teo – 537,000
Ewe Eng Soon – eliminated

19:00: Aggressive preflop action
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Under the gun Yohei Kitazato raises to 5,000, button Leroy Fan three-bets to 15,000, big blind Nguyen Van Sang four-bets to 40,000, Kitazato folds, Fan five-bet shoves, Nguyen tank-folds.

Leroy Fan – 240,000
Nguyen Van Sang – 95,000
Yohei Kitazato – 100,000

18:55: Blinds up, 85 players remaining
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Blinds are up, field has trimmed to 85 players. Day 1A plays down to 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players.

18:45: Anatolii Gorbushin doubles up with Aces
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Under the gun William Jia shoves 24,000 with Kc10c, button Rosa Nguyen calls, small blind Anatolii Gorbushin three-bet shoves, this is enough to isolate as Nguyen folds. Gorbushin has AsAh. The board runs Ac4h3h3s3d, Jia is eliminated.

Gorbushin – 120,000
Rosa Nguyen – 260,000
William Jia – eliminated

18:40: Yohei Kitazato triples up
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Under the gun +1 Yohei Kitazato all in with 5c5h, lojack Nguyen Quang Huy dominates with AsAh, button Leroy Fan AdKc. The board runs out JsKs10c7s5d. Kitazato spikes a set on the river to triple up. Nguyen wins the side pot.

Yohei Kitazato – 120,000
Nguyen Quang Huy – 47,000
Leroy Fan – 150,000

18:35: Woon Bao Sheng badbeats Teddy Pham
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Under the gun Teddy Pham shoves 18,500 with AdKs, cutoff Woon Gao Sheng calls with AsQd. The board runs 8h2hJc9c10s for a straight on the river to Woon. Pham goes bust.

Woon Bao Sheng – 100,000
Teddy Pham – eliminated

18:20: Big stacks in the room
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Ewe Eng Soon – 290,000
Rajeev Kanjni – 250,000
Ernst Teo – 270,000
Yuhang Chen – 290,000
Dang Minh Dat – 320,000

18:15: Registration for Main Event Day 1A closes at 268 entries (175 unique)
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Registration for Main Event Day 1A closes at 268 entries (175 unique). There are currently 110 players left in the field. They play down to 12.5% of the field / ITM of 34 players.

18:00: Break time, last chance to register
Level 10: 1,000-1.500 ante 1,500

Third break of the day, last chance to register! 264 entries (174 unique). The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is soon!

UPDATE: Bubble bursts at Super High Roller!

On the seventh bubble hand, Nguyen Hoang Long shoves from hijack and small blind Patrik Zidek calls for his tournament life. Zidek is dominated Qs{qd{ behind Nguyen’s KcKd. With the board running 7hAd2s4h9h, Zidek goes bust, Nguyen ships it to rise to 1,170,000 (29 bb)

17:20: Blinds up, last level to register; 244 entries (166 unique)
Level 10: 1,000-1.500 ante 1,500

Blinds are up, 244 entries (166 unique). This is the last level to join Day 1A. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

17:15: Heavy preflop action, Alan Khoo banks it
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Under the gun Abhinav Iyer raises to 2,400, utg+1 Alan Khoo calls, utg+2 Jung +Sup Yung three-bets 8,500, small blind Dong Hee Kim calls, back to Iyer who calls, Khoo four-bets all in fir 69,000, Jung tan-folds, Kim five-bets shoves enough to push out Iyer.

Alan Khoo AdKc
Dong Hee Kim QsJs

The board runs out 5cJh3dKd2d, big slick holds.

Alan Khoo – 155,000
Dong Hee Kim – 30,000
Abhinav Iyer – 120,000
Jung Sup Yun – 32,500

17:10: Small set big takedown for Dang Minh Dat
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Three-bet pot of 11,200 brewed preflop and two players staring down a board 7d10c3c. Under the gun Harry Duong bets 5,300, button Dang Minh Dat “Dat Fish” raises to 20,400, Duong jams 40,000, Dang calls.

Duong Qc10c top pair
Dang 3d3h set

The turn 6h and river 9c change nothing, Dang claims the pot while booting Duong.

Dang Minh Dat – 300,000
Harry Duong – eliminated

17:05: Ta Son Tung flushes out Jung Sup Yun
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Under the gun+2 Jung Sup Yun opens, hijack Ta Son Tung calls, flop is JsAs10s. Jung c-bets 3500, Ta shoves, Jung calls for his tournament life and shows AcKd top pair. Ta has better, 9s2s flush. The turn Ah improves Jung to trips but with the river 6c, Jung is still behind to bust out.

Ta Son Tung – 150,000
Jung Sup Yun – eliminated

16:40: Blinds up, 227 entries (163 unique) 
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Blinds are up, currently 227 entries with 132 in action. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

16:20: Ta Son Tung wins the three-way 
Level 8: 500-1,000 ante 1,000

Ta Son Tung

Under the gun all in with AhKs, lojack Jung Sup Yun all in with AcQs, hijack Ta Son Tung 10c9c, the board runs 7cJd7sJc8c for a straight to Ta to eliminate a player

Ta Son Tung – 70,000
Jung Sup Yun – 90,000

16:08: Yuhang Chen doubles up with rockets
Level 8: 500-1,000 ante 1,000

Yuhang Chen

Small blind Yuhang Chen three-bets preflop and initial raiser Minh Hai from the button calls. At the flop Js4dQd, Chen c-bets, and Hai calls. On the turn 9c the pot has grown to 76,000, Chen shoves 33,200 and Hai still calls. Chen shows AdAc and claims the pot. Hai had KcQs top pair.

Yuhang Chen – 190,000
Minh Hai – 40,000

16:00: Blinds up, 206 entries (153 unique)
Level 8: 500-1,000 ante 1,000

Blinds are up, currently 206 entries with 125 in action. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

15:50: Break time, 203 entries (150 unique)
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Second break of the day, 203 entries (150 unique). Players have ten minutes before the next round resumes. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

15:20: Double KO for Vy Nguyen 
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Three way all in preflop, hijack Pham Duy Anh (20,000) 3c6c, biggest stacked Vy Nguyen on cutoff KsKc, button player QdQs, the board spreads out 6dJd2c8h5d.

Vy Nguyen – 170,000

15:10: Blinds up, 182 entries (140 unique)
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds are up and the field continues to grow. Currently 182 entries with 114 in action. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

15:00: Dang Minh Dat wins the flip
Level 6: 300-600 ant 600

Under the gun Dang Ming Dat raises to 1,200, utg+1 calls, big blind three bets to 4,300, back to Dang Minh Dat who four-bets all in, utg+1 joins the shove, big blind folds for a two way showdown. Dang Minh Dat opens 6d6c, it’s a flip with utg+1 holding AdKs, the board runs 2dJs10d6h10c.

Dang Minh Dat – 200,000

14:30: Blinds up, 155 entries (128 unique)
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Halfway through registration, 155 entries so far and climbing. Among the sea of heads are notables Chu Anh, Ewe Eng Soon, Hasagi, Lee Kun Han, Gaurav Sood, Nguyen Van Trung, Ngo Minh Tien, Abhinav Iyer, Dhaval Mudgal, Bien Mai, Minh A Nguyen, and Dongkyu Kim.

The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

13:50: Blinds up, 138 entries (120 unique)
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

Blinds are up, 138 entries and rising. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

13:30: Young Shang Bing drains out Tiger Lim
Level 4: 200-400 và ante 400

Young Shang Bing

Tiger Lim has been eliminated and according to him, Young Shang Bing took chunks off him until the final hand where Young’s nut flush cracked Lim’s aces. It was all in preflop, Lim AsAc, Young AdKd, the board 8d9d6d9h8s.

Young Shang Bing – 114,000
Tiger Lim – eliminated

13:10: Blinds up, 110 entries (99 unique)
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Break over, blinds are up. 110 entries so far. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration is open until the start of Level 11. Among the new entries was reigning USOP Vietnam Main Event champion Nguyen Ngoc Dai. 

13:00: Break time, 103 entries (94 unique)
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

First break of the day, 103 entries (94 unique). Players have ten minutes before the next round resumes. The VN₫ 12BN guaranteed Main Event buy in is VN₫ 25,000,000 (~USD 1,-057). Registration is open until the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

12:40: Dinh Quang Vu dominates to send one packing
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Dinh Quang Vu

Another one bites the dust here early with Dinh Quang Vu delivering the bad news. Hand opens with utg+1 raising to 600, lojack calls, hijack Dinh three-bets to 3,100, small blind four-bets to 10,100, only Dinh calls. At the flop 6h4c5d, sb shoves, Dinh calls, sb has 9c9h, Dinh ahead with JhJs. Dinh ships it and rails one after the turn 4d and river 10s.

Dinh Quang Vu – 80,000

12:25: Jung Sup Yun doubles up with Seven-Deuce
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Jung Sup Yun getting an early boost with a double up holding an unlikely hand. It opens with uutg+1 raising to 1,000, lojack Jung and hijack call, button three-bets to 5,000, only Jung calls. The flop 2c[3c}4d, button c-bets 8,000, Jung check-calls to the turn 7c. Jung shoves, button calls, Jung shows 7h2h, button JcJh. The river Ks secures the double up for Jung.

Jung Sup Yun – 50,000

12:20: Blinds up, 73 entries (72 unique)
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Blinds are up, 73 entries now and more seen at the cashier. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

12:00: Tiger Lim’s straight flush dusts Hoa Vinh’s nut flush
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

Tiger Lim

Hoa Vinh is the first casualty of the Main Event having fallen to Tiger Lim on a crazy cooler. Lim opened the action and bet on every street, Hoa Vinh called each street then raised it all on the river. Board was Ad6h9h3d5h. Hoa Vinh AhJh, Lim 8h7h.

Tiger Lim – 70,000
Hoa Vinh – eliminated

11:40: Blinds up, 59 players
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

New level! Only 59 players were able to secure hoodies by signing up and getting their chips in play on the first level. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm.

11:20: Notables in the field
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Five tables up and running at the half of the first level with more lined up at registration. Among the early go-ers are Anatolii Gorbushin, Vu Thai Bao, Kyle Bao Diep, Hoa Vinh, and Charles Wong.

11:00: Cards flying!
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Cards in the air for Day 1A of the Main Event! 18 players were seated at the starting buzzer with more lined up at registration. Hoodies are being given out as soon as players sign up. This limited merch is only available to Level 1 players.

Following six action-packed days of pre-games that filled the Crown Poker Club Hanoi to its limits, the spotlight now shifts to the U Series of Poker (USOP) MAIN EVENT! The hunt for the newest champion begins today at 11am. For a buy in of 25,000,000 (~USD 1,057) players have a shot at the VN₫ 12,000,000,000 (~USD 500,000) guaranteed prize pool. A total of four entry flights are scheduled. Event runs from September 7 to 11, 2023.

Main Event – Entry Days

Day 1A: Thursday, September 7 at 11am
Day 1B: Friday, September 8 at 11am
Day 1C: Saturday, September 9 at 10:30am
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 9 at 5pm

Early birds at the tables are in for a treat. In line with their past events, USOP is offering exclusive merchandise to players who have their chips in play in Level 1. For this festival, a special limited-edition hoodie awaits lucky participants. These collectibles cannot be purchased, so arriving early is crucial, as the supply is restricted to a total of just 250.

Over the past days, we’ve already seen the two USOP Main Event champions in action – USOP Taiwan Edwin Dela Cruz and USOP Vietnam Nguyen Ngoc Dai.

Nguyen Ngoc Dai

At the USOP, the pots only get richer. Reviewing the past runs, the inaugural USOP Taiwan Main Event paid out NTD 18M which was ~USD 600,000, this was followed by a richer prize pool of VN₫ 16.5 Billion in Hanoi, equivalent to USD 700K. For the two champions, both captured their first majors at USOP and both walked away with substantial payouts equivalent to six figure USD prizes.

The next champion could be you!

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